Milwaukee Man Donates Monthly to Hunger Task Force

Bill Boyd made his monthly visit to the Hunger Task Force today, dropping off 84-pounds of food. 

"Peanut butter, tuna fish, pasta, my wife doesn't like it when I buy Chef Boyardee, but I like that stuff so I buy that too," said Boyd.

Boyd was inspired to do this when he heard about cuts to the food stamp program and he's been doing it ever since.

"People had to step up, gotta do something to help.  The need doesn't go away just because the money dries up.  So this is my way of trying to do what little I can to help people get food,” said Boyd.

Boyd watches for coupons and for sales to help him determine what items he will buy and donate.

He said hunger is a big issue but if everybody does a little to help, it can be solved.

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