Milwaukee family gets new start after food truck fire
MILWAUKEE-- A Milwaukee family who lost its only source of income when their food truck burst in flames on the South Side is getting another chance to start over.
Francisco Hernandez struggled to get back on his feet after his taco food truck was destroyed in a fire on May 21st near Cesar Chavez Dr. and Mineral Street.
\"We were planning on going home (Mexico) after the accident, but I thank God there was a light at darkness,\" said Hernandez.
The light at the end of the tunnel was help from a friend named Ignacio Mendiola, owner of Geno Notollini's Pizza in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
\"He picked me up off my feet and said come here with your family and we're going to find something for you to do,\" said Hernandez.
Mendiola and Hernandez found an old Gyros shop on the corner of 13th Street and Maple street on Milwaukee's South Side that had been closed since 2008.
They bought it and under the \"Geno Notollini's Pizza\" franchise, they will soon open a permanent establishment with a unique trait. A painted food truck on it's side.
\"The previous owner used to sell food through the window, outside the establishment and I thought, wait a minute... I can still have my taco truck... I'll just paint it in the wall,\" said Hernandez.
As the place gets ready to open, Hernandez is thankful for the support his family has received from the community.
\"A lot of people helped, not only with money but that's not the only way to get help in life... money is important, yes. But with every word... one hug I get, that's a lot of help,\" said Hernandez.
Geno Notollini's Pizza will open on Monday September 15th.