Milwaukee County Zoo Introduces New Red Panda
It may be a bit cool outside, but the weather is actually perfect to meet one of the Milwaukee County Zoo's newest residents, a red panda named Dr. Erin Curry.
She was born at the Cincinnati zoo last June.
She was recently paired with the Milwaukee County zoo's male red panda Dash.
Zookeepers tell me that the two are nearly inseparable.
They hope that in the next year or so the two will breed.
Dr. Erin Curry needs to be at least 18 months for that to happen though.
Zookeepers say the red pandas enjoy cooler temperatures, and the best time to see them is early in the morning, or towards the end of the day.
The zoo introduced two new lionesses earlier this year.
They say this weekend could be a good time to visit the new animals.
The zoo will be hosting their second annual World Penguin Day, for more information on that, click here.