Milwaukee County leaders host neighborhood cleanup to beautify areas of the city

NOW: Milwaukee County leaders host neighborhood cleanup to beautify areas of the city

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- After a year in the works, Milwaukee County leaders are coming together to make a difference in the community.

Partners from North Cot Riverworks and Riverwest helped to clean up and beautify Milwaukee on June 30.

Efforts focused on clearing out sidewalks that have been taken over by plants.

Milwaukee County Supervisor Priscilla Coggs-Jones says the cleanup is a way to help shape a positive outlook on our community.

"I believe that if we can change the way we view our community, we can change the minds of our community," said Milwaukee County Supervisor Priscilla Coggs-Jones.

The Riverworks cleanup will be a continued effort to help beautify areas in Milwaukee over the next two years.

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