Milwaukee corrections officers visit homes of registered sex offenders during trick-or-treat
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- "We want to make sure that there aren't any Halloween decorations. They're not handing out candy and they don't have decorations within their home," said Leanne Mittelstadt, Wisconsin Department of Corrections Probation Parole Agent.
They're trying to pay a visit to 204 residences of sex offenders, all while kids go door to door in search of candy.
"It's really important to make sure that the community stays safe. We want all the children in the City of Milwaukee to be in a safe situation. And we want to make sure that our clients are following the rules."
Mittelstadt says it's important to make sure sex offenders aren't trying to lure trick-or-treaters to their porches.
Everything from simple decor to having candy inside could be considered an offense that could land the people on the list back in custody.
Milwaukee law enforcement want to remind parents to go with their kids, and only stop at houses with the lights on, stick to well-lit streets, have location services activated on your phone, have children yell loudly if anything is happening to them and call 9-1-1 if anything suspicious is going on.
They say it's also important to have fun.
"We also enjoy handing out candy to the kids when we encounter them," said Mittelstadt.
"It's really important, it's a good feeling to know that we are participating in the safety of the children in our community. We take this job very seriously."