Milwaukee Common Council votes to ban conversion therapy

NOW: Milwaukee Common Council votes to ban conversion therapy

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – After a lengthy discussion back and forth at City Hall, the Milwaukee Common Council voted to ban conversion therapy in Milwaukee.

Conversion therapy is the practice of changing one’s sexual orientation. Earlier in March, the Public Safety and Health Committee voted to ban the practice and on Tuesday, the Common Council voted in agreement.

Dozens of people both for and against the therapy stood holding signs and shouting during the meeting. Those against conversion therapy say there is no scientific proof of it working and that it can actually be harmful.

Several council members also voiced concerns that there wasn’t a lot of opportunity for people in favor of the practice to voice their thoughts.

“Conversion therapy poses critical health risks for LGBTQ youth, including depression, shame, decreased self-esteem, social withdrawal, substance abuse, and even suicidality,” said Ald. Cavalier Johnson.

“Something of this kind of importance needs to have both sides heard,” said Ald. Mark Borkowski.

Twelve council members voted in favor of banning, two voted against, and 1 abstained from voting.

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