Milwaukee Black Panthers accuse Bryant & Stratton basketball coach of racism
WAUWATOSA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A men's basketball coach at Bryant and Stratton College in Wauwatosa is accused of using a racial slur.
The Original Black Panthers of Milwaukee protested at the college Monday afternoon, Oct. 28. They accuse the coach of calling a black student the N-word.
The Black Panthers are demanding action from the school.
"Why is that coach still coaching here, when he called one of his basketball players the N-word? Not on one occasion, but two," said King Rick of the Original Black Panthers of Milwaukee.
The coach is not being named at this time, because the allegations haven't been proven.
Bryant & Stratton released the following statement in response:
"On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, Bryant & Stratton College's Wisconsin Athletic Department was notified that the College's head men's basketball coach used an inappropriate racial term with a student-athlete. All Bryant & Stratton College associates receive sensitivity training and are held to the highest ethical standards. The use of insensitive language is not acceptable. Immediately following an internal investigation, disciplinary action was taken in accordance with the College's policies and procedures. Federal and state education and employment law prohibit the College from disclosing any additional information related to this incident."
It's unclear what action the school has taken. The college says federal and state laws prohibit them from releasing more information.