Medical Examiner Releases Autopsy Results of Former Butler Police Lieutenant

Autopsy results were released on Tuesday for the former Butler Police lieutenant.

According to the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner, Brian Pergande was found under an over pass next to railroad tracks.

The distance from the overpass to the ground was believed to be approximately 35-40 feet.

Pergande had multiple injuries including a wide open skull fracture.

According to the medical examiner, the decedent had been in legal trouble over the previous few years and his position was terminated with the police department.

Pergande was found by his wife at 8:20 AM on Saturday.

According to his wife, Pergande was out having drinks with his wife and another couple. He appeared agitated at a club.

He left the bar and started walking towards the railroad tracks.

The wife found him and told him to get into her car. Shortly after getting into the car he quickly got out and disappeared.

There was no history of tobacco use, illicit drug abuse or prescription narcotic abuse. 

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