Madison teen allegedly breaks panhandler's wrist with sledgehammer after trying to get girlfriend's $2 back

MADISON, Wis. - (WISC) A teen wielding a sledgehammer broke a panhandler’s wrist Sunday afternoon during a fight in a parking lot on South Park Street, officials said.

The teen’s girlfriend was planning to give the panhandler $2, but when she pulled out her money, the panhandler grabbed $4, police said. The girl said she could see the panhandler had a knife up his sleeve and decided to leave and tell her boyfriend what happened.

The boyfriend, a 16-year-old Madison teen, decided to bring a sledgehammer to the parking lot at 1907 S. Park St. just before 4 p.m. and try to get his girlfriend’s $2 back, according to a release.

The teen and the panhandler, identified as 43-year-old Luis A. Estrada, started waving their respective weapons around, and witnesses called police.

Officers found Estrada on scene with a broken wrist, but the teen had fled, according to the release.

Estrada faces tentative charges of disorderly conduct while armed and bail jumping. The teen faces tentative charges of disorderly conduct while armed.

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