Life Time Brookfield trainers present holiday-themed workout

NOW: Life Time Brookfield trainers present holiday-themed workout

BROOKFIELD, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Personal trainers from Life Time Brookfield joined us on Tuesday, Dec. 17 to share about the MERRY Holiday Ab Workout. Rylie Kyhn and Mike Vanausdall explained the holiday-themed core routine.

The workout, designed as a quick core-focused exercise, can be performed as a single set or in multiple rounds for increased difficulty. The MERRY acronym is about more than the festive time of year. It stands for: Mountain Climbers, Elbow Plank, Russian Twists, Reverse Crunches and Yoga Boat Pose.

Life Time personal trainers can demonstrate the movements for participants seeking guidance. The workout is structured to complement existing fitness routines as a brief warmup or finisher.

Click here for more details about Life Time Brookfield.

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