January Statistics
We are entering the heart of our winter season. And the coldest month of the year for Milwaukee. Click on the thumbnail image of this story for a check on today's Almanac. The average high temperature is now at the coldest of the year at 29 degrees. However, that average high holds steady at 29 through the entire month, before average highs sneak back into the 30s come February. Likewise, our average low holds steady at 16 through the month which is also the lowest it drops through the year. Normal monthly snowfall is 14.7" which as you might've guessed by now, also the snowiest month of the year, on average. So after a mild December we are now settled into winter as the new year has been ushered in on a cold note. Overall, as I've discussed in recent blogs, we are still on track for above normal temperatures this month and below normal precipitation. So in theory, January should go easy on us, but may not be quite the treat we had for December. Nevertheless, there are some improving stats moving forward. While normal temps hold steady, we are gaining daylight!
Sunrise this morning was 7:23AM, the latest of the year. Sunset tonight is 4:27PM, which is actually already ten minutes later than our earliest sunset of the season. Our shortest day of the year, which has already passed, provides just nine hours of daylight. As of today, daylight is 9 hours and 4 minutes. By the end of the month, sunrise will occur at 7:08AM and sunset will be after 5PM, at 5:02PM to be exact. That gives us an extra 50 minutes of daylight from the first to the last day of this month.
Spring is just around the corner too, on Sunday March 20th, just 79 days away! Anyone else feel like so far, winter has been so kind, makes living here pretty good! Let's continue the conversation online. Tweet or facebook me with any other weather stat questions you have! I'd love to hear from you. Find me at Rebecca Schuld Weather on Facebook or @RebeccaSchuld on Twitter.
I'm meteorologist Rebecca Schuld