INVESTIGATION: Wisconsin rape victims on the hook for hospital bills
Posted: Nov 13, 2014 12:20 AM CST | Updated: Jul 28, 2016 5:26 PM CST
Wisconsin law demands that rape kits are free, that includes tests and treatment for all connected sexually transmitted diseases. But, what some don't know is that any extra costs such as administrative fees, attorney fees or other extensive injuries could be passed to the patient.
Executive Director of The Women's Center in Waukesha, Angela Mancuso doesn't agree.
\"It's already traumatic enough, the pressure, the strain, and then to receive medical bills or even legal bills,\" Mancuso said. \"That they don't have to incur anymore victimization or traumatization, that includes financial and any other systems that they are reaching out, that of course would be the ideal.\"
We reached out to several hospitals including Aurora Health Care and Waukesha Memorial. They say that lawmakers ultimately have control over those costs. But that they do support and follow state law.
There is help for those who incur more costs. The Crime Victim Compensation fund and \"SAFE\" fund can help reimburse victims. Also, The Women's Center offers a 24 hour hotline, call 262.542.3828