Holiday Train making six stops in southeast Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will be making six stops in southeast Wisconsin.

The train will make stops in Sturtevant, Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Hartland, Oconomowoc and Watertown. 

Canadian Pacific has been sending brightly decorated trains for years through Canada and the United States, spreading holiday cheer.

A rock and roll holiday band performs at each stop. 

Here's the full schedule for Wisconsin:

SturtevantDecember 25:25 p.m.
MilwaukeeDecember 26:50 p.m.
WauwatosaDecember 34:15 p.m.
HartlandDecember 35:45 p.m.
OconomowcDecember 36:55 p.m.
WatertownDecember 37:45 p.m.
ColumbusDecember 39:05 p.m.
PortageDecember 41:15 p.m.
Wisconsin DellsDecember 42:45 p.m.
MaustonDecember 44:15 p.m.
TomahDecember 45:30 p.m.
SpartaDecember 46:40 p.m.    
La CrosseDecember 48:45 p.m.
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