Gov. Evers joins union workers in Madison for Apprenticeship Career Fair

NOW: Gov. Evers joins union workers in Madison for Apprenticeship Career Fair

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Governor Tony Evers was in Madison Tuesday, Nov. 15 to join union workers for the Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership's Apprenticeship Career Fair. 

It's a part of National Apprenticeship Week, where organizations across the country push for more opportunities to "earn while you learn."

The governor announced Tuesday that for the first time in 20 years, Wisconsin has more than 15,000 registered apprentices and a record number of participants in the state's youth apprenticeship program.

He also gave a special shout out to those working in the trades.

"Thanks to the folks in the trades, we've been able to fix thousands of miles of roads and highways, get new and improved internet services to more than 387,000 homes and businesses and help build our state's infrastructure," said Gov. Evers. 

Apprenticeship Week kicked off Monday and runs until Nov. 20.

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