Get rid of your unwanted household items for free with Milwaukee's Project Clean & Green
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Each year, the City of Milwaukee helps residents get rid of their unwanted household items with Project Clean & Green.
The Department of Public Works is collecting things like broken furniture, mattresses, grass clippings, and more all for free.
On average, 1,500 tons is collected each year through the program. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says it's a great service to take advantage of.
"It's a great, great program. This is a good program that's free and this is the second week of the seven-week program that allows people to put out these items," Mayor Barrett said.
Any time other than your Project Clean & Green collection day, there will be a $50-$150 charge for all bulky pickup requests. Construction debris, refrigerators, and TV sets will not be collected for free. There are seven zones across the city when pickup will occur with the program running through June 24.
For more information on what is and isn't acceptable for pick-up or to find your Project Clean & Green pickup day, please click here.