Flight of Champions Honor Flight returns to crowd full of people at Green Bay airport

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GREEN BAY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A special Wisconsin Honor Flight wrapped up in Green Bay late Saturday, Oct. 19.
The Flight of Champions took not only veterans but also Packers, Brewers, and Bucks alumni on an unforgettable trip to Washington D.C.
The group spent the time visiting memorials build in their honor.
The flight returned to the Austin Straubel International Airport where loads of people were ready to welcome the heroes home.
"The whole point of this is to give them that welcome home that maybe they didn't get the first time that they came home so this is just our opportunity to show them our appreciation for their service," said Marty Piette, Airport Director at Straubel International.
This was the first time that those three sports organizations worked together for an honor flight.