Fifty Shades of Grey, reshaping ideas about sexuality

 Milwaukee, WI- “Fifty Shades of Grey” was one of the first popular books to really blow the covers off kinky sex, and with the movie trailer released Thursday, it's bound to heat up bedrooms again.

The book, dubbed “mommy porn” completely changed the view on BDSM.

Even, three years after its release, you can't find the book on library shelves. The movie trailer has already been viewed more than six million times, the first day it was released. Some people thought the buzz would pass.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">\"It's just one of those things, it became really popular, it became like a fad.\"

But, is it a fad, or a tipping point on how Americans view sexuality? Women admitted feeling empowered, men more free to act out their desires.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">\"America's become more desensitized towards sex,” avid reader Marc Young said. “We've become more of an openly sexual culture, and it's not such a big deal anymore.\"

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">The page turner has taken people out of the fictional “red room,” to reality. Whips and handcuffs have been flying off the shelves according to Lyndzi Miller at the Tool Shed Erotic Boutique.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">\"Their eyes are opening up to things they had never even thought of before,\" Miller said.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">Miller has been fielding questions from the curious. Bondage cuffs are a store bestseller. She sees the book and movie as a launching pad to sexual freedom.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">\"It's definitely de-stigmatized kink lifestyle as something that could be just fun and not something that's only weird, bad people do,\" Miller said.

10.0pt;font-family:\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">While many can’t wait to see the movie, to watch the words come to life on screen, they’ll have to wait until Valentine’s Day, 2015 to fulfill those desires.

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