Developers plan to build $150 million soybean processing plant in eastern Wisconsin
WAUPUN, Wis. (AP) — Developers plan to build a $150 million soybean processing plant at an industrial park in eastern Wisconsin.
The Daily Citizen reports that Waupun officials announced the project developed by the Wisconsin Soybean Crushing Plant on Wednesday.
Crushing facilities process soybeans into soy oil, soy protein and meal for animal feed. Soybeans produced in Wisconsin currently have to be shipped out of state for processing.
WSBCP is seeking an air permit from the state Department of Natural Resources. Public input on the permit is open until July 11.
The permit application says the facility will be able to process more than 3,500 tons of soybeans daily. A press release says the facility is expected to employ almost 40 full-time staff.
Construction would begin next year with the facility opening in 2020.