Deep Fried, On a Stick, Dipped All Options for Food at Wisconsin State Fair
Posted: Aug 4, 2016 7:25 PM CDT
The grounds opened Thursday morning and both Governor Scott Walker and Mayor Tom Barrett helped usher in the 165th edition of the fair.
Food Items at the fair this year include: deep fried spam curds, deep fried olives, Spam burger, Bloody Mary Burger, and Thanksgiving burrito.
Water Street Brewery has a hot dog on a stick at the fair that has potato chips and cheese on the stick.
Deep fried olives are made from six queen green olives stuffed with cream cheese and rolled in bread crumbs.
Bloody Mary burger has no alcohol in the burger the sauce is made out of Bloody Mary mix.
Cookie dough on a stick can be dipped in a variety of toppings including chocolate.