Day Spa in West Bend Closed after Violations Found

A woman was arrested for performing massages without a license at a spa in West Bend.

According to West Bend Police, a 51-year-old Chicago woman was arrested on Monday.

The City of West Bend conducted a license premise inspection at Lavender Day Spa at 2320 West Washington St.

The inspection identified licensing violations, and building code violations, including; permitting accessory usage (persons using the business as living quarters), plumbing code violations, and fire code violations.

Police arrested and cited a 51 year old Chicago woman for performing massages on two separate occasions without a license or permit.

The business owner is being cited for permitting massages to be performed by unlicensed person, and the above mentioned building code violations.

The business was closed and will remain closed until all the building code and license premise violations are corrected.

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