Nationally known civil rights attorney hired by family of man who died outside Hyatt Regency Hotel

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Nationally known civil rights attorney Ben Crump has been hired by the family of Dvontaye Mitchell. 

Mitchell died after a struggle with security guards in front of the Hyatt Regency hotel in downtown Milwaukee on Sunday, June 30.

Police say Mitchell was detained after causing a disturbance. 

Video of the incident shows guards on top of Mitchell. A witness claimed that one guard hit him on the head with something. 

Ben Crump has worked on several high-profile cases involving police arrests. You may remember, he led the legal team for the family of George Floyd in Minneapolis in a wrongful death civil lawsuit several years ago. 

In a statement, about the Mitchell case today, Crump said "It is deeply troubling that we have lost another Black man in an encounter with security personnel, raising serious concerns about the use of force, lack of accountability, and absence of mental health considerations."

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