City continues efforts to help repair tree canopies with planting of 10 new trees in Humboldt Park

NOW: City continues efforts to help repair tree canopies with planting of 10 new trees in Humboldt Park

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Members of the Department of Public Works gathered at Humboldt Park Monday morning, May 13, as a continuation of their Arbor Day celebrations. 

In partnership with Humboldt Park Friends, 10 new trees were planted in the park as the city continues their efforts to help repair tree canopies within neighborhoods, parks and other urban developments across Milwaukee County.

"Part of what Humboldt Park Friends did finish last fall was the planting of 100 trees, so this is another 10 to that original 100 that we have continued to put into play and want to reinvigorate the canopy here in the park," said Henry Szymanski, Humboldt Park Friends. 

The recent reforestation efforts in Milwaukee were kickstarted by a federal grant, focusing on the maintenance and growth of nature within urban environments. 

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