Christmas Carol by the Falls Patio Players

\"And the Tradition goes on...\" Falls Patio Players again performs the beloved version of Charles Dickens' classic \"A Christmas Carol\". Two of our very own members, the late Carol Klose and the late Jack Strawbridge, collaborated to write this musical version, which encompasses French and English carols as well as many original songs. It has truly become a family tradition, of which, Menomonee Falls can be proud. So with glad tidings, we at Patio Players, wish you, the faithful audience the very best for the coming Yuletide season.

Purchased on-line at or on the 24 hr hotline 262-255-8372.
Adults/ Seniors: $10
Students: $8.
FPP is also partnering with the Falls Area Food Pantry providing boxes in the lobby in which to drop food item donations when you come to see the show. After all, in the words straight from the DIckens story, \"We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Want is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices.\"

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