In Madison, 2 corners of Capitol and 2 differing perspectives of election, future of the country

NOW: In Madison, 2 corners of Capitol and 2 differing perspectives of election, future of the country

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Following the projected victory for Joe Biden, supporters of the president-elect celebrated at one corner of the state Capitol square while supporters of President Donald Trump gathered at another to protest the elections results, offering a picture of the state and country’s differing emotions and division.

“It has been time for a change and I cannot be happier today,” Annik Dupaty of Madison told CBS 58. “Go [Joe] Biden I am so happy for you! Go Kamala Harris! We have a Black woman that is going to be in the White House. Yes, yes and yes!”

Dupaty was joined by her daughters on the State Street corner of the Capitol square, where hundreds gathered for a celebration that included music, dancing, chants and some speeches by activists. Dupaty said the moment holds special significance for her and her daughters because of the historic nature of Kamala Harris’ election as the first woman, first Black and first South Asian-American to hold the office of the vice presidency.

“It is just the most joyous feeling,” Dupaty said. “They can aspire to the highest heights and Kamala Harris has shown them the way.”

Other Biden supporters said Biden’s victory makes them look forward to the future.

“It’s a pretty incredible feeling to be part of such a historical election,” Katie Satinski of Madison said. “From having the highest voter turnout that’s ever been seen, to electing the first woman, not only the first woman but the first black woman to the White House, and [I’m] just really hopeful for the future and celebrating what we’ve accomplished through this election.”

On the South Hamilton Street corner of the Capitol square, dozens of Trump supporters held a protest against the election’s outcome.

“We just want a free and fair election and we don’t feel like we got that,” Stacy Olson of Mukwonago told CBS 58. Olson expressed uncertainty about the future with Biden’s victory. “We all fear that the country is going in a different direction – and whether or not that’s good or bad is up left to debate, I guess.”

“I feel a little mad, a little questionable too, like is there, was there cheating?” Michelle of Chicago, who did not want to share her last name, said in an interview. “It’s hard to believe that Wisconsin would go blue, it’s hard to believe that some states that have been red for a long time all of a sudden have gone blue.”

No evidence of widespread irregularities or fraud has been presented. 

Michelle said she grew up as a liberal but her views changed because she was dismayed with how those on the left appeared to her as more aggressive and confrontational in expressing their perspectives. She added she hoped the election was fair and is beginning to confront the reality that Joe Biden will be president.

“What can we do? If [Biden] won fair and square, we can’t scream and cry and shout. We just can’t,” Michelle said. “We just have to keep moving forward.”

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