Carmen Lerma, COVID survivor and leader in Milwaukee's Latino community, gets 3rd vaccine

NOW: Carmen Lerma, COVID survivor and leader in Milwaukee’s Latino community, gets 3rd vaccine

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Coronavirus left Carmen Lerma fighting for her life. She survived and on Monday, Aug. 23, reached another milestone in her recovery. 

My doctors put me through quite a bit. I doubt they would put me in hard to take the shot

Lerma received her third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine Monday. The Milwaukee woman knows the importance of protecting yourself from COVID firsthand. 

Lerma contracted the virus last year, before the vaccine was available. She spent three months in the hospital battling severe complications, and underwent a double lung transplant in October. 

Lerma was released from the hospital in November, and received her first dose of the vaccine in March. 

A leader in Milwaukee's Latino community, she hopes her life-threatening battle encourages others to get vaccinated.

"Do it for your family. That to me is the most important thing. Caring for others means taking your shots," said Lerma. 

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