Can Weather Really Make You Sick?
So it's a question asked repeatedly. Can the weather make you sick? According to the experts, it can. When temperatures fluctuate erratically, the body is in a constant state of flux trying to determine what the best temperature setting is for you. At the same time, this leaves the body open to more infections.
Doctors also say the one sickness most likely to be caused by wild temperature swings is sinusitis. Basically, it's congestion, stuffy nose, a sinus headache, cough, and a sore throat from drainage.
So how do you prevent this from happening? Dress for the weather, wash your hands continuously, keep your hands away from your face, drink lots of water, and get plenty of rest. When you do cough or sneeze, it's crucial you do so into a tissue. If you don't have one, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve and not your hands.
And if you can, use your sick days to help prevent the spread of disease to co-workers.