Bottom Line Update: Sex offender law passes after CBS 58 Investigation
MILWAUKEE -- Thanks to a CBS 58 Bottom Line Investigation Milwaukee now has a new sex offender ordinance.
CBS 58's Investigative Reporter Sarah Barwacz brought the issue to lawmakers back in May after finding child predators living next to schools, daycare centers, and parks. It was legal for child predators to live next to schools and parks because there was no law against it. Some council members we spoke with felt Milwaukee had become overrun with offenders. After several months of working with lawmakers Tuesday we got a law passed.
Alderman Tony Zielinski says, \"I'm very excited, it's been a long standing problem in our community, today we got a major victory for the City of Milwaukee, so I want to thank CBS 58 for working with me to make this legislation a reality.\"
Offenders already living in Milwaukee would be grandfathered in but new offenders would have to follow the 2,000 foot rule, restricting them from living next to day care centers, parks, and schools.
But some like Alderman Witkowski from District 13 say some districts will end up with a larger proportion of the sex offenders.
\"It is still something that doesn't make the neighborhoods comfortable. With this change, four aldermanic districts that get to bear the burden for the City of Milwaukee.\"
Milwaukee had more sex offenders because neighboring communities passed residency restrictions while Milwaukee did not. The has one final hurdle, the mayor has to sign it. If he does the law will go into affect in 60 days.