Aurora Healthcare Offering Special Session for Couples Struggling to Conceive
One in 8 couples of childbearing child-bearing age have difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy.
A number of factors can contribute to fertility issues for both men and women. It's important to understand there is not one specific source.
Among the factors that can contribute to fertility concerns include:
Age. A woman's fertility gradually declines with age and this decline becomes more pronounced in her mid-30s. Infertility in older women may be due to the number and quality of eggs as they age or to health problems that may interfere with fertility. Men over age 40 may be less fertile than younger men are.
Tobacco use. A couple's chance of achieving a pregnancy is reduced if either partner uses tobacco. Smoking also reduces the possible benefit of fertility treatment. Miscarriages are more frequent in women who smoke. Smoking can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and low sperm count in men.
Alcohol use. For women, there's no safe level of alcohol use during conception or pregnancy. Avoid alcohol if you're planning to become pregnant because you may not realize you're pregnant for the first few weeks. Alcohol use increases the risk of birth defects, and it may also make it more difficult to become pregnant. For men, heavy alcohol use can decrease sperm count and motility.
Being overweight. Among American women, an inactive lifestyle and being overweight may increase the risk of infertility. In addition, a man's sperm count and testosterone levels may be affected if he is overweight.
Being underweight. Women at risk of fertility problems include those with eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia, and women who follow a very low calorie or restrictive diet.
Exercise issues. Lack of or not enough exercise contributes to obesity, which increases the risk of infertility. Less often, ovulation problems may be associated with frequent strenuous, intense exercise in women who are not overweight
Fertility treatment continues to evolve. We now offer a variety of different options for patients, including: In Vitro Fertilization, Frozen Embryo Transfers, Biopsy and Multi-Cycle In Vitro Fertilizations.
Each comes with different pros and minuses for hopeful parents, and it's important that people understand what options are out there.
It's also important that people understand that normally something like fertility likely isn't covered under most insurance packages, so it can be a fairly substantial out of pocket cost.
Aurora Health Care is offering an infertility session as part of National Infertility Awareness Week.
At this session, experts will talk about the journey to parenthood, and what options are out there for people.
There is always a certain stigma when exploring fertility services. Many people feel it's something they've done wrong in the past, and they have guilt if they can't conceive a child.
This session is designed to help families understand treatment options but also work to help them through the emotional journey.
You can learn more by calling 888-863-5502 and ask about the Options to Enhance Your Fertility Class.