August and Meteorological Summer stats are in

Meteorological Summer is over. In the weather world we have slightly different "seasons" to better keep track of stats. Meteorological Summer is defined as June, July, August. August ended that streak of months with below-average rainfall. We had some soakers here and there but total rainfall during the month fell short by just over an inch with a monthly total of 2.60". 

August temperatures were a bit all over the place with almost a 50* range in temps during the month. The hottest high of 101* happened on August 23rd with the coldest temp of 54* happening August 30th. The total monthly average temp goes down as the 23rd warmest and 0.6* above-average.

Meteorological summer as a whole was also warm and goes down tied as the 20th warmest on record for June, July, August with an average temperature of 71.4*.

When it came to summer rainfall we were lacking. July was the only month of the three above-average on rainfall and overall the season ended over 2.50" below-average with 8.75" of rain.

September and meteorological fall started of with scorching temps but now temps have cooled down. Download the CBS 58 Ready Weather app to track the temps.

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