Audit bashes State Fair Park for shoddy contract records and no plan for Milwaukee Mile

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MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Auditors say the State Fair Park has been keeping shoddy contract records, allowed temporary workers to exceed their allotted hours and lacks a plan for the Milwaukee Mile.
The Legislative Audit Bureau released a report Friday reviewing park operations from mid-2013 through mid-2017. The report said park officials couldn't provide auditors with a complete list of its contracts. Park officials also executed nine contracts worth $1.3 million before their board approved the deals.
Of the 2,391 temporary workers the park employed between November 2016 and October 2017, 28 exceeded the 1,039-hour limit.
Park officials also haven't developed a formal plan for future use of the Milwaukee Mile racetrack. The track hasn't hosted any major races since July 2015 and none are planned in the future.