Ashanti Hamilton makes his case for mayor of Milwaukee

NOW: Ashanti Hamilton makes his case for mayor of Milwaukee

Milwaukee Common Council President Ashanti Hamilton says Milwaukee needs inspiration and a leader willing to tackle difficult issues.

"We need to have a very specific plan on how to deal with concentrated poverty in the city of Milwaukee."

Alderman Tony Zielinski announced his run last November. He's running on public safety and education. He says Hamilton and incumbent Mayor Tom Barrett are in the same category.

"They've been on the same page in terms of cutting police officers, they've been on the same page in terms of supporting the street car," Zielinski said.

Mayor Tom Barrett has not announced. His campaign sent a statement saying "The people of Milwaukee just got through a big election this fall and they deserve a break before we start talking about an election that is nearly a year and a half away.”

UWM Professor Mordecai Lee says this continues a trend.

"I don't think American citizens and Wisconsinites like this," Lee said. "I think it means sort of perpetual politics. You know there's a season for politics just like there's a season for the Packers, and then there should be kind of a vacation."

Hamilton has not officially announced a run. Lee says that will get him more media coverage.

"I think what politicians are doing is they're trying to milk the news," Lee said. "And in fact for example Scott Walker would milk the news that he was running for re-election. Instead of getting one news story of so and so declared they're running, they get three."

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