All four Greenfield elementary schools going virtual for two weeks, parents outraged

NOW: All four Greenfield elementary schools going virtual for two weeks, parents outraged

GREENFIELD, Wis (CBS 58) -- The Greenfield School District notified parents on Wednesday, Nov. 11, that all four elementary schools will move to virtual learning starting Monday, Nov. 16. The change will last for two weeks.

“I don’t think they made an educated decision at all," Michael Kaminiski said. He has two children in elementary school.

The district says the move was necessary based on the number of coronavirus quarantines among students and staff. It also says there is a limited number of substitute teachers available and the district can’t properly supervise students. Parents say the district didn’t give them enough time to plan for their children to work from home.

“That’s disrespectful to throw that on the backs of the parents," Steven Millard said. “Trying to get your child locked into a day care system within a few days is just unmanageable."

Michael Kaminski says normally a school board meeting would address this issue.

“This just came out of the blue, there’s no vote, school board never met," he said.

Parents tell CBS 58 what's worse is the impact on a child's ability to learn.

“It throws a wrench in their everyday schedule that they have, they need a schedule, they need something that’s consistent and they need something that’s going to be reliable," Millard said.

The district says decisions regarding temporary school closures are made by the superintendent.

Virtual learning will begin Nov. 16 and end Nov. 30.

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