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MILWAUKE E(CBS 58) – One of the stars at Miller Park is Brewers mascot, Bernie Brewer.
Believe it or not, he was a real person named Milt Mason. Mason was good friends with former general manager Marvin Milkes.
Management was looking for a way to promote the team and grow attendance, so Mason was asked to sit on top of the scoreboard until the attendance reached 40,000.
It took around 40 days, but it happened on August 16, 1970.
“There was no real plan to get him down from the top so he came down on a rope and that was the beginning of what you would consider Bernie and his chalet,” Former Brewers public relations director Mario Ziino said.
Mason got bad rope burns on his hands and legs when he came down, that’s why Bernie now uses a slide.
Members of the CBS 58 morning team got the chance to go down the slide. You can see their reactions in the above video.