Wisconsin vaccine hunter Facebook page offers tips on how to find the COVID-19 vaccines
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- With word that eligibility for the vaccine will expand at the end of the month, more people have turned to the Facebook page Bob Orech created.
"I think it’s a good point for a resource that we try to streamline it and it’s a real human talking to help," he said.
The page is called Milwaukee & Wisconsin Area Vaccine Hunters and Angels.
They offer documents with information on how people can find the vaccine. They also help schedule appointments for those who need their help.
"The first thing that we try to do is to confirm their eligibility," said Orech.
They then check the website for Walgreens – bright and early.
"For the most part that’s been the most consistent one, that at 6 a.m., that if you log on, for the most part, find something for that person or those people that need the help," he said.
They've also had luck getting appointments through Froedtert.
"Froedtert has done a really good job to open up their appointments for people," Orech said.
"The word spreads fast when you have vaccine, so as long as they meet the criteria, we’re open to it all," said Faisal Ahmed-Yahia, director of sales and outreach at Summit Clinical Laboratories.
Summit Clinical Labs started offering the vaccine at its Fox Point location last week.
"One hundred and fifty going into today, so we’re ramping up," said Technical Director Adam Jansen.
Those wanting to sign up can do so on their website.
"Second dose will be available for whoever has gotten the first dose," said Jansen.
For those who aren't eligible yet, Orech says they'll be there when it's time.
"Everyone deserves this vaccination. It's just not necessarily on the timetable we want, but we will help you get it when it's your turn."