Wisconsin health officials tour Lead-Safe Homes Program site in Milwaukee

NOW: Wisconsin health officials tour Lead-Safe Homes Program site in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Health officials in Wisconsin are promoting the Lead-Safe Homes Program.

They toured a home on Buffum Street in Milwaukee Thursday, Oct. 28, showing the work trained lead-abatement contractors are doing to make the house safe for families.

The message during this Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is lead can hurt anyone, but kids under age six are most vulnerable, and the damage can last a lifetime.

It's usually caused by swallowing or breathing in dust from lead-based paint in older homes.

"Lead can definitely impact the structure of the brain, especially -- this is really important -- in their brains, as their brains are developing so rapidly in these first few years of life. Lead can significantly impact brain development, which can impact social development, it can impact scholarly achievement in school."

To learn more about the Lead-Safe Homes program and if you qualify for funding to remove lead in your home, click here

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