Wisconsin DNR warns public of uptick in fish die-offs during warm weather

WISCONSIN (CBS 58) -- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is warning the public that anglers may notice more dead fish than usual due to increasing water temperatures. 

The DNR says the uptick in die-offs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, or environmental issues like low dissolved oxygen levels and thermal stress. 

Anglers and boaters are asked to report fish kill events to their local fish biologist so that the underlying cause can be determined. 

"Though anglers and boaters may see high numbers of dead or diseased fish as waters warm, know that these events usually do not have a lasting impact on the larger fish population," Wisconsin DNR said in a press release. 

The release urges anglers and their pets to never consume dead or visibly sick fish. 

If you catch a diseased or dying fish or observe a fish kill, the DNR says to take the following steps:

  • Always wear gloves or wash your hands after handling dead or dying fish.
  • Anglers should not actively collect fish samples from a fish kill event. If you accidentally catch a diseased or dying fish, retain the fish as a part of your daily bag limit and place the fish in a plastic bag on ice in a cooler. Do not transport the fish to a DNR office or hatchery.
  • Note the waterbody, date, fish species and number of dead or dying fish and report it immediately to your local fisheries biologist or the DNR tip line (1-800-TIP-WDNR or 1-800-847-9367).
  • If possible, and it’s safe to do so, take clear images of the affected area (e.g., waterbody showing dead/dying fish) and close-up images of the affected fish.
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