WEC meets on suspected voter fraud, including last year's general election

NOW: WEC meets on suspected voter fraud, including last year’s general election

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) --- The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) approved a report on suspected voter fraud that included last year's general election.

The report focuses on potential violations received by municipal clerks between August 2020 and May 2021.

There were 19 instances of potential voter fraud in that time frame, 12 of which were during the general election in November. Two cases were in Milwaukee County and two were in Waukesha County.

The most frequent suspect violation was voting twice in the same election. 

"With each of these, the clerks are providing all the information about the voter's participation to the district attorney so be it voter registration, absentee application, signatures on the poll book, all that information is going so that they can make the determination of where, how were they allowed to vote twice," WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe said.

The commission is required by law to provide this report to the legislature for their reference. 

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