Waukesha Police reunite found wedding gift with owners


The Waukesha Police Department was able to locate the owner of a wedding gift that was found in the road.

According to police, they were able to reunite the gift with the owner. One of the items in the package was a handmade gift with the sentimental value.

The wedding was out of town and the gift will be sent this week.

The citizen who lost the gift would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the kind person who turned in the wedding package.

Police would like to thank everyone who helped to spread the word, "It is times like this that we realize how honesty and kindness can go a long way to benefit the community."


The Waukesha Police Department is asking the public for help in locating the owners of a wedding gift.

Earlier Friday morning, a citizen found the wedding gift lying in the road.

The gift is addressed to John & Stacy.

The Waukesha Police Department is hoping to track down the couple so that they can help make their wedding day special.

If you know a John and Stacy getting married, or if you're the owner of the gift, give the Waukesha Police Department a phone call at 262-524-3831. 

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