Water safety improvements hope to keep Racine beaches safer

NOW: Water safety improvements hope to keep Racine beaches safer

RACINE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Racine County is focusing extra attention and funds to make sure their beaches stay safe.

"The primary role of local government, county government, is to protect its people,” said Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave.

Back in 2012, Racine officials came together to brainstorm how to mitigate safety concerns at Lake Michigan after five separate drownings.

Since then, $150,000 of American Rescue Plan funds have been invested in safety and rescue technology, including signage and lifeguards.

"While we can't say that there'll never be another drowning and we're never here to declare victory...but we are here to say to our residents of Racine County and the city of Racine that your local government is doing everything that we possibly can,” said Delagrave.

Tuesday, officials gave a demonstration of their latest safety equipment.

"Our EMILY units. That stands for Emergency Integrated Lifesaving Lanyard. That is a jetboat that we can drive out to a victim, and they can have that personal floatation device and remain afloat until rescuers can go get them,” said Lt. Michael J. Luel, with the Racine County Sheriff's Office.

The department has four EMILY devices, purchased at $15,000 each. In addition, they also have personal watercraft used for rescue missions and a drone that can deploy floatation equipment to victims.

Officials say since the water safety enhancements last year there have been zero drownings.

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