Watchdog group airs concern over campaign contribution cap

 MADISON -- A non-partisan campaign finance watchdog group says elections in the state are in danger of becoming heavily influenced by those who want to throw massive amounts of money at political candidates.

This warning stems from a U.S.  Supreme Court decision that came down earlier this month.

The court struck down a 40-year old law that limited the total amount of money someone could donate in an election cycle.

Watch dog group, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, says the trickle down impact here in Wisconsin could be huge.

And that's because right now, there is a lawsuit in Milwaukee federal court to lift Wisconsin’s in-state donation cap.

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign’s director says if that happens, then people with money will hold even more power.

\"Microsoft Sans Serif\",\"sans-serif\"\">\"Many people are expecting that. If that's the case... then it opens up the opportunity for a wealthy donor like Fred Young and many others... to not just give 10-thousand dollars in a calendar year... but to give millions.” said Mike McCabe.

A spokesman for the Government Accountability Board says the case against Wisconsin’s cap was on hold, waiting for the U.S.  Supreme Court decision on the national cap.

\"…Now that McCutcheon has been decided, the G.A.B. is working with the Attorney General's office on a resolution of its case.\" said Reid Magney.

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