Warm Weather Delays Slice of Ice, but Opens Golf Courses

While unseasonably warm weather is delaying the building of the ice at Milwaukee County’s Slice of Ice in Red Arrow Park, high temperatures this weekend will keep four golf courses open.

“We need several days with the right conditions to have the rink ready to go, but just when we think we can start, a warm front or rain moves in,” said Joe Mrozinski, Assistant Chief of Recreation and Business Development. “We’re encouraging area skaters to visit the indoor Wilson Ice Arena and are pleased to offer area golfers an extended season.”

Wilson Ice Arena, located at 4001 S. 20 St., offers open skate this Saturday from 2:30 - 4:30 PM. Rental skates are available in a full range of sizes.

“As far as building the ice at the rink goes, well, that will require the cooperation of Mother Nature,” said Mrozinski.

Once the ice is built, the rink can withstand warmer temperatures; however, heavy rain can bring the season to an early end.

For updates on the rink’s opening and other details, call (414) 289-8791 or visit countyparks.com and search “Slice of Ice.”

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