Valentines for all: Sky View senior buys carnation for each girl at his school

(KUTV) A Salt Lake City senior in high school passed out a carnation to every female student for Valentine's Day.

During fifth period Thursday, 17-year-old Hayden Godfrey and about 20 volunteers went around to each classroom in the Smithfield school to hand a carnation to every female student.

The plan has been in the works for years. Godfrey told 2News it all started when he was a freshman.

He would anonymously deliver 20-30 flowers to girls in the school because "I thought as many people as possible should be happy on Valentine's Day," he said.

He bought 900 carnations from an online website out of his own pocket, and worked with school administration to make the school-wide delivery happen.

"I don't think anything can compare to seeing every girl in your life holding a flower as they walk through the halls," Godfrey wrote in a Facebook post about what he did.

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