Still Lots of Summer to Get through...YMCA Camps Could Be A Good Option

Are your kids home with nothing to do.  Why not think about summer camp?  The Milwaukee YMCA and Milwaukee County Parks are offering day camps and swim lessons through the end of August. 1500 kids between the ages of 4 and 12 are expected to participate.

The camp part of it. is called Camp FLY.    It stands for "fun learning for youth."  The campers spend 30 minutes of reading and math a day in addition to an hour of science.

At the same time, the Milwaukee YMCA teaches numerous children and adults how to swim.  They're important classes because the Centers for Disease Control And Prevention says drowning is one of the top three causes of "unintentional injury death" for people under 30.  And for black children, the rate is five times higher.
CBS58 went to the Northwest Y where a swimming class was being taught. The kids are learning swimming strokes and life saving lessons.

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