SPECIAL REPORT: Inhalable Insulin

It's the recurring needle nightmare that only diabetics can understand.

"I didn't want to feel a needle going in to my body, I didn't wanna jump, I didn't wanna feel the pain," said Jackie Wallace, who is taking her insulin a new, pain-free way.

"It's way more convenient depending on where you are at the time," Wallace said. 

With Afrezza, the insulin kicks in faster and it doesn't stay in your body longer than the food which can lead to low blood sugar reactions. It's good for Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

HEIDI RYMASZEWSKI, NURSE PRACTITIONER 00:50:54-59 "As far as side affects, they may have a cough after inhalation," said Heidi Rymaszewski, a Nurse Practitioner with Aurora.

Afrezza has a mild taste and you can't take it if you have a cold which means you have to might have to revert back to the needle. You also have to be smoke free for at least six months and be able to pass a lung strength test. Jackie Wallace is spending about $30 per month with this option, compared to the needle method that cost her about $100 per month.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wisconsin provides benefit coverage of Afrezza to people who have it through their job. Individual plan members can request an exception. United Health Care in Wisconsin generally does not cover Afrezza in their pharmacy benefits, but doctors can request an exception. Jackie's pharmacy benefits through Optimum RX does cover it.

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