Rev. Jesse Jackson to lead march through Kenosha in response to Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

KENOSHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Rev. Jesse Jackson will reportedly lead a march through Kenosha Sunday, Nov. 21, in response to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict with organizers and community activists.

According to a news release on the march, Rev. Jackson and other activists plan to retrace the route Kyle Rittenhouse took the night he killed two men and injured a third during mass protests throughout Kenosha.

Jackson will also reportedly be calling on the Department of Justice to investigate federal crimes that march organizers say Rittenhouse committed the night of the fatal shootings.

The march comes just two days following Rittenhouse’s acquittal.

The Sunday march will begin at 2 p.m. at the Civic Center Park in Kenosha

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