Resource Wisconsin Inc. Launched New Effort to Rehab Houses on South Side and Help Renters Become Owners

Resource Wisconsin, Inc. is a non-profit founded hoping to restore properties on Milwaukee's south side and help renters become homeowners.

"We go into very specified neighborhoods and we stay there until we have rehabbed everything that we can," explained President Donna Meyers.

The first target area is on Milwaukee's south side between National and Lincoln from 20th to 27th.

They've already developed a network of investors who are interested and are partnering with churches and other community groups to bolster community support.

"We want to bring some properties back that need a little help and get people inside them who need a little help," said Meyers.

Meyers and Vice President Sandy Koutsios have gathered together a group of people with decades of real estate experience, including appraisers who are committing their time to the effort.

"It includes credit restoration and education for first time home buyers," says Koutsios. "It's not just about getting a home. You have to be able to keep it up and hold onto it."

Churches have already come forward with congregation members who could benefit and in exchange, Resource Wisconsin, Inc. hopes to get local carpenters to joins in the effort.

"We want to be welcome in the neighborhood."

There's an open house for prospective  homeowners this Saturday, March 25th at 5401 West Morgan Avenue in Milwaukee from 7-9:30 p.m.

Food and refreshments will be on hand.

For more information call (414) 257-3890. 

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