Racine Grandmother Charged for Neglecting Toddler's Severe Burns on Her Feet

A Racine woman has been charged with child neglect for allegedly not taking her 2-year-old granddaughter for treatment of severe burns to her feet.

Josephine Lee has been charged with child neglect resulting in bodily harm.

Racine Police responded to the home on May 7 for a report of a child with severe burns that were blistering and needed medical help. The caller was very upset and distraught at the toddler’s condition.

Lee told police her daughter dropped off the toddler two days earlier with the injuries, and he allegedly told Lee the toddler had received medical treatment.

Lee’s daughter had custody of the child.

Lee presented the toddler to police wrapped in a dirty blanket.

The toddler had blisters and scabs that were bloody and had skin peeling off of them.

Any time officers tried to place a paper scale anywhere near them for photos she would scream and yell, “No touch! No touch!”

In addition, the child’s front, right, and upper teeth were broken.

According to the complaint, when she would rub her legs she would begin to cry.  In addition, she appeared dehydrated and had “questionable” rashes on her arms.

When Lee was asked how the girl received the burns she shrugged. When an officer asked her who turned on the hot water, Lee responded with a shrug. 

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