Protesters call Supreme Court ruling on Trump 'bananas'

NOW: Protesters call Supreme Court ruling on Trump ’bananas’

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Supreme Court ruled Monday that former President Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took in the waning days of his presidency. Shortly after the court's ruling was announced, a group of activists appeared in front of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Milwaukee. 

Some protesters wore banana costumes carrying signs labeling the immunity decision as "bananas." 

Former Wisconsin Lieutenant Gov. Mandela Barnes spoke at the protest, calling the ruling the most shameful, unlawful and un-American rulings in the history of the Supreme Court. 

"Once again, we see a wealthy and a well-connected crook get away with whatever he wanted to do by the very judges that he appointed. There's something wrong with this picture," said Barnes. 

Speakers stressed the importance of this year's presidential election as a means of determining who serves on the Supreme Court. 

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