Pompeii Men's Club Fish Fry...All You Can Eat & Give
Posted: Mar 25, 2016 11:41 AM CST | Updated: Mar 25, 2016 11:54 AM CST
You can get your fill of fish today all while helping local charities, including Sojourner Truth House and Special Olympics. About a thousand people are expected for the annual "All You Can Eat" Fish Fry put on by the Pompeii's Men Club at the Italian Cultural Center.
Baked or deep fried cod with all the fixins. CBS58's Michael Schlesinger, donned the chef's hat, and cooked up some fun.
The Good Friday fundraiser runs from 4 to 7:30 this evening. It costs 15 dollars, but it'll run you 8 bucks for kids 4 to 7. Three and under get in free.