Pokemon Go Users get Naked

(CNN MONEY) Call it the Rated R version of Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Go is the crazy popular game that has gone viral after launching last Thursday.

It superimposes virtual creatures in the real world using your camera and augmented reality. It has players exploring their real-life neighborhoods to capture Pokemon creatures.

But it didn't take long for some users to turn the kid-friendly game into one that's very NSFW.

Some users are sharing nude photos of themselves -- with Pokemon graphics superimposed in strategic places -- or in the midst of sexual activities with Pokemon creatures in the frame. Others are snapping pictures of themselves fully clothed but with Pokemon creatures -- specifically a tiny brown one named Diglett that's particularly phallic -- in suggestive places.

A niche community on Reddit has popped up called "Pokemon Go NSFW." It's devoted to users posting and upvoting the inappropriate posts. Some are tweeting out screenshots on Twitter(TWTRTech30) as well.

Pokemon Go has not been without its share of controversy.

On Monday, Niantic, the company behind Pokemon Go, had to make emergency fixes because the app was giving the company access to players' email accounts.

It hasn't seem to hurt Nintendo, which owns the Pokemon brand. The free app has sent its stock soaring, a much-needed boost for the company whose most recent game console, the Wii U, turned out to be a big flop.

Nintendo (NTDOF) and Niantic did not immediately respond to request for comment.

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